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Adam Horn af Åminne

Fil.dr i nordiska språk ║ PhD in Nordic languages

Photo: Björn Strömfeldt/
Royal Academy of Fine Arts

My name is Adam Horn af Åminne and I am a linguist special­ized in Nordic languages (also known as Scan­dinavian lan­guages). I de­fended my PhD thesis at Uppsala university in 2022.

As a researcher I have a broad interest in the development and variation of lan­guages. My main areas are linguistic typology, dialectology, historical linguis­tics and sociolinguistics, where I concentrate on morphology and phonology in particular. I specialize in the Nordic languages but I have a very cross-linguistic perspective and often go outside of them.

My current research proj­ects mostly concern the Överkalisian language in Överkalix, Norrbotten. In the spring of 2023 I was awarded the Bernadotte Scholarship from the Swedish Academy for my study of the sociolinguistic situation of Överkalisian, and in the fall of 2023 I presented a standardized spelling for the language. I am the president of the Association for Swedish Dialectology and an adjunct board member of Bjernna – Association for Överkalisian.

Aside from my PhD degree I have a double MA and a BA in Swedish/Nordic languages from Uppsala university as well as a BA in German from the same institution. I have previously also worked as a teacher of Swedish as a second language.

I grew up in the plains of Östergötland but Uppsala has been my home for many years. I've also lived in Montréal, Borlänge and Luleå for shorter periods of time. I'm married with one child.

For assorted facts regarding my name, click twice here.

In Swedish, I pronounce my name [ˈɒ̂ːdǎm ˈhǔːᵝɳ ɒˑv ˈôːᵊˌmɪ̌nːɛ̠]. Phonemically this is /²aːdam ˈhuːrn aːv ²oːˌmine/.

Horn af Åminne is one single name with three parts. The short form Horn is used in informal settings, and I thus generally present myself simply as Adam Horn.


Horn af Åminne, Adam. 2022. Från person till person: Avvecklingen av nordisk personkongruens ur ett diakront typologiskt perspektiv [From Person to Person: The Loss of Nordic Person Agreement from a Diachronic Typological Perspective]. (Studia philologiae Scandinavicae Upsaliensia, 21.) Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. [DiVA]

Peer-reviewed articles

Horn af Åminne, Adam. 2022. Överköḷis och Iviköḷis: Endonymer, hyperkorrektion och försvenskning i dagens överkalixmål [Överköḷis and Iviköḷis: Endonyms, hypercorrection and Swedification in the traditional Överkalix dialect of today]. Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 2021, 144, s. 55–80. [Journal]

Horn af Åminne, Adam. 2017. Verbal kongruensböjning i sydvästsvenska dialekter [Verbal agreement in south-west Swedish dialects]. Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv 2016, 139, pp. 73–89. [DiVA] [Journal]


Horn af Åminne, Adam. 2016. När þ blev t: Om en fonologisk och ortografisk förändring i fornsvenska [When þ became t: On a phonological and orthographical change in Old Swedish]. Uppsala. [Unpublished MA thesis.] [DiVA]

Horn af Åminne, Adam. 2015. Viljen I veta? Om verbens pluralböjning i sydvästsvenska dialekter [Do you wish to know? On the plural conjugation of verbs in Southwestern Swedish dialects]. Uppsala. [Unpublished MA thesis.] [DiVA]


Horn af Åminne, Adam. 2023. En standardiserad stavning för det överkaliska språket [A standardized spelling for the Överkalisian language]. Online version 1.0. [Online]

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